Over the course of this week, our team has made steady progress toward finalizing our Reefscape competition robot! Our driver, Arman, continues to practice with the Crescendo competition robot, Alphabot, and the Reefscape competition drive train. Arman has been testing out different controllers, he recently settled on the Scuf Reflex FPS controller.
Eric and Max had another productive week working on the scouting app. The UI was finalized, AI features were added, and it is now able to record scoring for Auto, Teleop, and Endgame!
While we are mostly done with the prototyping phase of our build season, our CAD team is working hard to finalize the competition robot CAD and drawing files for handoff to the manufacturing and assembly teams. The Reefscape robot’s weight limit of 115 lbs, is proving to be a bit of a challenge, so our design team is looking for creative ways to reduce the weight of our robot and to improve the packaging of the subsystems onto the swerve drivetrain.
As mentioned in last week’s blog post, we decided on a 4-degree angled elevator mounting to simplify the end effector design. The manufacturing team has completed manufacturing all the elevator parts and assembly is underway!
Mehaan, our auto team lead, has continued to work with his team on fine-tuning the autopaths, in collaboration with Kyle our vision lead, and Michael our swerve drivetrain software lead, they have successfully integrated vision to assist with alignment and scoring on the reef during auto. They have dialed in a left-side one-piece L4 Auto routine, next, they will start to work on 2 and 3-piece L4 auto routines. The plan is also to use vision assist alignment during TeleOp for scoring coral on the reef.
Our deep cage climb mechanism prototype, the bicep climb, is making great progress as well. It has been mounted to our competition robot for further fine-tuning and testing ahead of the CAD being finalized.
Finally, we held a vote to decide our competition t-shirt design! Our amazing team member Seiwei (Vivian) Shen won with this design! She is currently working with Claire, our Operations Director, to finalize our sponsor logo layout on the t-shirt.