Welcome back, team! This season has kicked off with a burst of energy and excitement. From revamping our leadership selection process to diving into presentations on the latest FRC scoring updates, we’ve embraced change and innovation like never before!

             This year, we updated our leadership selection process to better align with the team’s goals. In previous years, the process involved students giving presentations in front of the class, followed by anonymous voting and an announcement of the new Leadership Council (LC). While team managers made the final decision, this year’s system introduced some improvements. Now, students submit videos expressing their interest in joining the LC, which are then reviewed by mentors and the team, who provide their feedback. Although team managers still make the final decision, the new approach emphasizes responsibility. It prioritizes veteran students who have the experience needed to lead while allowing new members to get comfortable and integrate into the team more smoothly.

             Our Leadership Council is led by an outstanding team: Nico Gomez-Llagaria and Piper Robinson as captains, Ellery Han as Shop Manager, Claire Mayder as Operations Director, and Henry Lee and Saara Piplani as our dedicated hardware and software directors. Together, this exceptional group has been working tirelessly, training members, spearheading advanced projects, and managing team operations. Their weekly planning meetings and consistent communication ensure that our team remains organized, efficient, and prepared for every challenge.

             This year, FIRST Robotics introduced significant competition changes that are shaping team strategies worldwide. Our senior students and Leadership Council dove into detailed research to understand these updates, analyzing how they could impact gameplay and increase our chances of success at the prestigious FIRST Championship in Houston. The new rules and scoring adjustments emphasize not just robot performance but also strategic planning, adaptability, and teamwork.

             To stay competitive, we’ve focused on optimizing our approach to both gameplay and award submissions. Special recognition goes to our dedicated team member, Roxanna (Roxy) Abdollahi, who invested countless hours researching awards and meticulously compiling a comprehensive guide that outlines everything we need to know to maximize our points and meet judging criteria. Her hard work ensures that our team is well-prepared to excel in categories such as the Engineering Inspiration Award, the Creativity Award, and other notable distinctions that contribute to the overall ranking system.

             In addition to preparing for the competition, we’ve explored how the latest scoring changes could influence our robot design and match strategies. Adjustments in point allocation, game elements, and endgame scenarios have kept us on our toes and pushed us to brainstorm creative solutions during our strategy meetings. This proactive approach not only enhances our understanding of the game but also fuels our excitement as we head into Build Season.

             With so much going on, it’s been a whirlwind of activity, and the pace only ramps up from here. Our team is buzzing with energy and determination as we continue refining our skills, collaborating on innovative projects, and preparing for the upcoming challenges. Stay tuned for our next blog where we’ll share more about how we’re taking on the 2025 season with enthusiasm and ingenuity!

Operations Director + Machinist at Iron Claw Robotics | + posts